The Campus Microscopy and Imaging Facility is located in the second floor of the Biomedical Research Tower (BRT) at 460 West 12 Avenue on the OSU campus. The BRT is building 112 on the map and in the red circle. The main CMIF phone number is 614-292-9786
Enter the BRT from 12th Avenue at the west end (red arrow). Turn right at the large hallway and at the gray double doors scan your ID card. If you do not have access to the BRT call the CMIF at 292-9786 and someone will come down to let you in. After you have scanned your ID card and entered the elevators area, proceed to the second floor.

The Second floor map shows the elevator area with a large red E. Follow the hallways indicated by the red arrows. Walk past the Women's and Men's room through a large wood door. Turn left and walk down the hallway to room 245.

205 and 209 Staff Offices
245A FV1000 Spectral Confocal
245B,C,D,E Sample Preparation
245F FEI Nova NanoSEM
245G FEI Spirt G2 Biotwin TEM
245H FV1000 Filter Confocal
245K Workstation Computers
264 BSL-2 Laboratory and Sample Preparation
264A FV1000 Multiphoton
264B Visitech Infinity3 Live-Cell Confocal
268 Sample Preparation
268A Zeiss Axioskop Widefield microscope, Olympus SZH Stereo Dissecting Microscope and Nuance Spectral Camera
268B Leica UC6 Cryo-Ultramicrotome
268C Two Reichert UltraCut E Ultramicrotomes with tables
277 Staff Office